(Off topic: I am suddenly throw back to the intriguing life story of Red Adair I've read in Readers Digest some 20+ years ago)
Your account is intriguing indeed. I also wonder how this works. Just because there isn't a scientific researched explanation (yet) doesn't mean it's imagination or supernatural*.
Only a few (non-overlapping) generations ago nobody had any idea about germs and sterility. Yet they put (sterile) honey on wounds because that helped to heal.
Likewise it's very well possible that some people have (unknowingly) tapped into some technique we have yet to discover properly.
Btw glad you're without this pain now.
*) On the other hand the lack of scientific evidence or explanation doesn't mean something does actually work beyond placebo effect. There are a lot of healers and techniques out there that really are bullshit. The fact that the (quack)healers themselves believe in it doesn't make it true (like JW honestly believing they have 'the truth' doesn't make that reality either).